Well, regarding the title, I'm late again, obviously. I started this for last week, but then Debby Myers had something already done and it was really timely and I figured people are used to me being late and not having relevant subject matter at all, so here I am.
I don't do resolutions, goals, or even a word for the year, as I've nearly always failed at all three of them. What I did this year was start over on Christmas Day. I intend to do better, to feel better, to laugh more, to eat healthier, to complain less, to be kinder, to be more generous, and to try new things.
And I'll do some of them. Some of the time. Because some of the time is what works for me. I'm not sure if I've always been that way or it came with age, but there isn't a whole lot I do--and stick to doing--all of the time. Because they've demanded daily attention, I have failed at journaling, reading devotions, listening to daily meditations, drinking more water, reading the Bible straight through (the begats get me every time), saving five-dollar-bills, and...well, you see what I'm saying.
This brings me to two words that should never ... ahem ... seldom be used. By anyone. Because, to put it in terms we all understand, they will so often come back to bite you in the ass. (I know I ne ... er ... seldom use swear words in the blog, but some of the time (see above) they're just the right ones.
The two words, as you've probably figured out on your own, are never and always. The only exceptions I find to the always part is the fact that I'm going to love my children and grandchildren no matter what they do. Most parents I know feel the same way. It must be added that always loving them doesn't mean I'll always like them, agree with their decisions, think they're nice people, or even like the same movies they do. I can say with no doubt whatsoever that they feel exactly the same way about me.
I have been married to their father and grandfather for ... oh ... ever. I love him more now than I did at the very beginning when I thought it was possible that he really had hung the moon. I think he reciprocates that feeling. But we're not in love every day. He has man colds. He watches horrible television. He doesn't want to eat when I want to cook. (Believe me, wanting to cook is another thing that's in the seldom basket.) He doesn't want to travel, and he considers going to Walmart traveling.
I may have faults, too, but I'm sure there aren't many and I ne ... seldom irritate him on purpose. I'm alw ... usually agreeable and kind.
However. I have in my lifetime sworn that I always change the sheets on Mondays. That I always have my oil changed exactly when it's due. That I'll keep the weight off. That I always empty the dishwasher. That I'd always get rid of an old item when I got a new one.
I have also said that I never forget an appointment, with which virtually everyone I've ever had an appointment with begs to differ. I swore I'd never vote straight ticket, that I'd never shop at name-a-place again, that I'd never bank online, that I'd never color my hair after I turned 50, and that I'd keep my car clean. I said I'd blog every Saturday, whether I had anything readable to say or not.
Sometimes I do all those things. Honestly. Occasionally I get a little synchronicity going on and manage to get through a day without dropping any of proverbial spinning plates. I don't forget anything important (that I remember); if I cook, everything is done at the same time; all is good.
Or, maybe, all is okay. And if things don't all come together? What happens then?
It's still okay. That graphic up there started with the picture saying New Year, New You. Cute, huh? And that other stuff on the graphic is worthwhile, too. If that's what you want and that's what matters to you.
But, even though I started over Christmas Day and have already not done some of what I was aiming for, I have done some of them. Some of the time. Is there a new me in there just aching to come out? I don't think so, and that's okay, too. Because I kind of like the old one.
So, Happy New Year a little late. I hope it's starting well for you and that it stays well--at least, most of the time. Have a good week. Be nice to somebody.

I love everything about this, Liz! But then, I enjoy your writing and I probably would read your grocery list, as they say. My favorites are your thoughts on cooking (my problem is I’ve lost any interest I had in it—which was limited—and the things I can “cook” easily don’t fit into the Mediterranean diet we’re supposed to be eating but restaurant prices have me digging out recipes) and on coloring your hair (not even close to giving that up at this point).
Wishing you a 2025 that’s as wonderful as you are! ❤️
My new year's goal was to read the blogs of people I like to read on time. Look how that is working out! Seriously, I agree that embracing "sometimes" is the way to go. We rarely put the expectations of "never" and "always" on our loved ones, so why do we do it to ourselves? Together, let us all go forward heralding the mantra of "sometimes."
Yeah, that losing weight thing is difficult for any of us that suffer from depression. We need that dopamine rush that sweets bring. I mean, sure, you can get that from working out, too, but, let's face it, it's much easier to eat a donut than to do sit-ups. We all have those downfalls that we struggle to improve, but the important part is the struggle. I love reading your posts. They're thought-inspiring. Happy 2025!
New Year, New You bugs me. I like to think old me is good enough and I'm kinda crazy about old you. My promise to myself this year is to take it easy on myself. We'll see how that goes, eh? Great post!
Great post. I especially liked the observation that you don't have to love your husband every day. As one married 49 years I can relate to that too. I'm still head over heels for him usually except...when I'm not. Happy new year!